Appointment Information


You need to have a scheduled appointment to be seen by Dr. Feldman. Bring your child's valid insurance card and co-payment to each visit. You will receive a text reminder, phone call, or if you use MyChart, the patient portal, an email reminder prior to your appointment.. All patients are expected to keep their appointments. Please call us if you need to cancel or reschedule.


LIFE-TREATENING EMERGENCY OR POISONING: If your child is having a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately. If you have any suspicion of poisoning, call the poison control center at 1-800-222-1222.

Arrive on time

We do our best to see our appointments on time. Please arrive early so that you can check-in with the secretary. If you are delayed, call our office to let us adjust to your late arrival. During busy periods, if you are late you may need to wait for the next available open time slot.

Routine well visits

During well visits your child's progress is discussed, problems can be identified and addressed, and vaccinations given. You can schedule these visits after each check-up or by calling the office. We advise that you to schedule these appointments at least 3 months before you wish to be seen. Refer to the standard well visit schedule to see what to expect.

Sick visits

Please call the office when your child has an illness or injury. You may be able to discuss the problem with Dr. Feldman, receive information and guidance, and may not need to bring your child to the office. If it is determined that you need to come to the office for a sick visit, then you will be offered a morning or afternoon appointment time. If several children in the family need to be seen by Dr. Feldman, then each child will need a separate appointment.

After-hours illness or injury

If your child has a sudden illness or injury when the office is closed, you can speak with Dr. Feldman or, if he is unavailable, a pediatrician selected by Dr. Feldman in the area. Call the office at 781-662-4560, and the voice mail message will give you instructions on how to contact the after-hours pediatrician.

Concerns not needing an appointment

If you have a question about an ongoing medical or behavioral concern, call the office and Dr. Feldman will speak with you when he has time in his schedule. Please indicate the nature of the concern and its urgency. Dr. Feldman is able to assist with a variety of matters without having you bring your child to the office. You can obtain an appointment if it is determined that your child needs to be seen. You can also leave a message on the office phone after hours about your concerns, and Dr. Feldman will speak with you the next day the office is open.

Insurance Information


We accept most medical insurance plans. Make sure that Dr. Feldman is named as your child's primary care provider with your insurance carrier. We must be notified of any insurance changes. Please bring your child's current valid insurance card and copayment with you when you come to the office. Families are encouraged to update their insurance information and addresses and phone numbers using MyChart, the patient portal, to assist us in the office.


Payment for the visit or for balances due can be made with cash, check, debit, or Visa and MasterCard. We expect payment of outstanding balances before your child's next office visit. Payments can be made using a credit card by using MyChart, the patient portal, at their convenience.

If your family experiences financial hardships and you have problems paying for your visits, please speak with either Dr. Feldman or the secretary. We will try to help arrange for alternative arrangements and assist you to find additional resources provided by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


If your insurance requires our office to submit a referral for a specialist visit, call our office at 781-662-4560. When you are scheduling the appointment with the specialist, please obtain the following information for us to complete the referral:

  • specialist name, address, and phone number
  • specialist's NPI number
  • date of visit
  • reason for the visit

Notify us of your appointment as soon as possible. We must submit the referral before the appointment time. Some insurance companies will not allow referrals to be submitted after the appointment with the specialist. You may leave us a message with all the information. You can also use the Patient Portal to request the referral.

If Dr. Feldman is not listed as your child's PCP, we will not be able to complete referrals and you may receive bills for specialty doctor visits. It is each family's responsibility to understand their insurance benefits and to obtain the referral before the visit with the specialist.